Author: Rod Kight

Cannabis and Cars- Scientific and Legal Implications of Cannabis Use and Driving (Video)

In this video podcast, Rod discusses the intersection of law and science that arises from cannabis use and driving. Traditional DUI tests are primarily oriented towards detecting alcohol impairment. Do these tests work for cannabis impairment? If not, is it possible to create cannabis-specific testing protocols, and accompanying laws and regulations, that accurately measure impairment while not unjustly criminalizing unimpaired cannabis users? 

Delta-8 THC and State Law

There are many challenges with advising clients or potential clients about ∆8, one of which is the fact that many states across the country regulate hemp, hemp-derived CBD, and ∆8 differently. As a result, there is no “one-size-fits all” answer to whether ∆8 products can be manufactured, distributed, or sold within a given state.

Rod Discusses Cannabis and Psychedelics on “How To Launch An Industry” Podcast

Listen to Rod and other industry experts discuss the dichotomy between patenting psychedelics compounds and promoting free and open research, the complexities of South American cannabis in Europe, the 12,000 year old relationship between humans and psychedelics, a side by side comparison of two hallucinogenic substances, and how well various cannabinoids permeate the skin.