Rod Kight discusses hemp with Emmett McGregor of SciPhy Systems for the season finale of the “Plants to Plants” hemp processing seminar series.
Author: Rod Kight
Oregon Hemp- An Overview of ODA Rules
The key takeaway is that transparency is rewarded. The ODA monitoring program will consist largely of education and outreach, and will start with random site record keeping visits.
Delta 8 THC: Legal or Not?
Despite their similarities, the structural difference between Δ8THC and Δ9THC makes a substantial difference in how they affect our bodies. It also affects their legal status.
Congress Should Allow 1% THC in Hemp- Will You Sign the Petition?
We encourage our readers to sign a petition sponsored by our friends at Vote Hemp that urges Congress to amend the definition of hemp to increase the THC limit to 1%. If enacted, this definitional change would result in a significant and positive change for the hemp industry.
CBD and the Novel Foods Dossier- A Practical Overview
The amount of information that needs to be included in a Novel Food application is quite significant, not to mention the fact that the information contained in a successful Novel Food application must be backed with technical and scientifically certified findings.
New Order Prohibits Use of Hemp and CBD By Military
Do we really want to deny our military Service Members access to otherwise lawful products that could provide significant relief just to preserve the integrity of an outmoded drug testing program?
Medical Cannabis and Workers’ Compensation
Workers’ compensation cases are likely to continue highlighting the tension between federal and state cannabis laws.
Novel Foods: Validation and the UK Deadline
If a CBD manufacturer’s application is validated prior to March 31, 2021, its CBD products can be lawfully sold in the UK throughout the whole period of the risk assessment (2-3 years).
“Hot” Hemp Extract- New Lawsuit Underlines Need for Clarity
While the Farm Bill is unequivocal about expanding the category of legal hemp to include “extracts”, it does not specify an acceptable upper THC concentration limit, nor explicitly allow or disallow for remediation through removal and destruction of some, or all, of the THC they contain.