The Hemp Authority wants your comments on its certification program, which it is calling “Guidance Plan 1.0”, so that it can revise it into “Guidance plan 2.0”. The deadline for commenting is April 15, 2019.
Author: Rod Kight
The Mouth Swab Drug Test and Employment (Guest Post)
The mouth swab drug test is commonly used by employers. Here’s what you need to know.
West Virginia Federal Court Ruling Vindicates Hemp Industry
A WV federal court dismissed a case brought against hemp farmers, ruling that hemp is not a controlled substance and may be transported across state lines.
USPS Issues Guidelines for Mailing CBD
The USPS acknowledges the legal status of hemp derived CBD and provides temporary “acceptance criteria” for demonstrating when a mailing is compliant.
FDA Commissioner’s Resignation Raises Questions About CBD Regulation
While Gottlieb’s resignation alone may not indicate an immediate change in FDA policy toward CBD, it definitely creates a degree of uncertainty as to what will be atop the agenda of Commissioner Gottlieb’s replacement.
Hemp Industry Pushes Back On Proposed Certification Program
The Hemp Authority has proposed a certification program that many leading stakeholders contend is flawed. Fortunately, it’s agreed to work on “version 2.0”.
Are Cryptocurrencies the Future of Cannabis Commerce? (GUEST POST)
If Congress legislates a solution to the cannabis commerce problem it is difficult to envision cryptocurrencies gaining a foothold. But if Congress fails to act, cryptocurrencies may become intwined with future cannabis commerce.
The USDA Wants Your Comments- By March 1
The USDA is seeking public input regarding the 2018 Farm Bill. It will accept written comments through March 1, 2019.
North Carolina is Most Recent State to Follow FDA Position On CBD
The upshot of all this generally, and in North Carolina specifically, is that there is strong legal precedent that businesses may continue to sell products containing full-spectrum hemp extract derived from lawful hemp.