In a moment when the national discourse is hemp vs. marijuana, and Congress argues about stamping out the intoxicating hemp industry altogether, Minnesota’s experience offers some lessons on how these two industries can co-exist.
Author: Rod Kight
THCa Deja Vu
The DEA issued another letter about THCa that is making headlines. It is difficult to understand why the issue is circling back around again, a year later. I address the DEA’s position… again… in this article.
Damn the Torpedoes, Hemp Unite!
Big Marijuana’s “total war” against hemp was exposed by the Miller Amendment’s inclusion in the House farm bill. The future of hemp and the entire cannabis industry will be determined by what is happening right now. Act accordingly.
Rod Discusses Schedule 3 and Hemp vs Marijuana on the Texas Hemp Show [Video Podcast]
Rod discusses Schedule III and the “civil war” between hemp and marijuana with Russel Dowden and Rachel Nelson of the Texas Hemp Show on this podcast.
A New Vision for Cannabis Reform (VIDEO)
I gave a keynote speech at the NoCo Hemp Expo where I propose a new paradigm for cannabis reform in which the “hemp model” provides the quickest and most straightforward pathway to full legalization. I also propose a new regulatory system for hemp, and eventually all cannabis, which I call the Three Pillars Approach.
Rod Discusses THCa and Legalization in New Documentary [Video]
I was interviewed at length about THCa and cannabis legalization in a new documentary entitled, “The Shocking Story of THCA & Cannabis Legalization EXPOSED” by longtime cannabis entrepreneur and documentary film-maker, Luc Carlin.
Rod Goes Deep About the Future of Hemp and Cannabis on the Cole Memo [Video Podcast]
I discuss the past, present, and future of hemp and cannabis policy on a recent episode of the Cole Memo Podcast. I was asked a range of good questions about topics that I’m usually not asked in this type of forum. I hope you enjoy the conversation.
THCa, Cannabinoids, and the Intersection of Business and Criminal Law- A Discussion Between Rod Kight and Phil Dixon [Video Podcast]
I recently had a deep discussion about THCa, minor cannabinoids, lab testing, probable cause, the FDA, trademark infringement, and other pertinent cannabis/hemp law issues.
State AGs Inflame Hemp Hysteria With Letter to Congress
There is a war raging against hemp, but it goes much deeper than that. At stake is the future of cannabis reform in the US, the ability for small businesses to thrive in an emerging market, and the right for adults to make their own determination about what they choose to ingest.