NC State University Promotes Hemp In Recent Article

As a North Carolina (NC) resident, I am always happy when my state gets it right on a cannabis matter. In contrast to its appalling track record on enacting marijuana reform, mostly due to a radically gerrymandered legislature, NC has mostly embraced and encouraged its hemp industry. It is supported by an active state industry association. (To read more articles on NC hemp and CBD issues, you can click here, here, here, and here.)
Some of the credit for NC’s vibrant hemp program should be given NC State University (NCSU), which has been progressive and proactive since NC enacted its first hemp laws in 2015. Former NC Hemp Commissioner Tom Melton is a professor at NCSU, and professors Marne Coit, Angela Post, and David Suchoff teach classes and conduct research on hemp in NC. (Note: I should disclose that my son attends NCSU in the Agribusiness program and that I have spoken on panels with Profs. Coit and Suchoff.) NCSU also maintains a helpful hemp webpage.
For these reasons, I am proud to bring attention to the fact that NCSU recently “got it right” by raising awareness about hemp and CBD in the state. This month, the NCSU Magazine featured hemp and CBD on its cover and ran a story about hemp. I am pleased that the article mentions several of my clients and provides a helpful overview of the impact that hemp is having on state and national economies. Thanks to NCSU for its support of hemp in NC.
April 23, 2020
Rod Kight is an international cannabis and hemp attorney who resides in North Carolina. He represents businesses throughout the industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents cannabis legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and maintains the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, where he discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. Rod also has extensive experience representing clients through periods of financial distress. You can contact him here.
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