A New Vision for Cannabis Reform (VIDEO)

I gave a keynote speech at the 10th annual NoCo Hemp Expo in Estes Park, CO, put on by my friend and hemp advocate, Morris Beegle. In my talk, which you can view below or by clicking here, I propose a new paradigm for total cannabis reform in which the “hemp model” provides the quickest and most straightforward pathway to full federal cannabis legalization. Importantly, I also propose an entirely new regulatory system, which I call the Three Pillars Approach, to regulate hemp now and eventually all cannabis.
In addition to dismantling the unnecessary regulatory burdens currently strangling the marijuana industry, the Three Pillars Approach avoids getting mired in the intractable debate about “intoxicating cannabinoids” by focusing instead on three regulatory zones, which I refer to as “pillars”, namely, (1) limiting access by minors, (2) standardized quality control in production and manufacturing of cannabinoid products, and (3) uniform labeling requirements to provide sufficient information that adults can make an informed decision about the cannabinoid products they use. Successfully addressing these three pillars provides all of the necessary consumer safety guardrails while liberating the entire industry from overburdensome, outdated, expensive, and unnecessary regulations.
In my experience discussing this new approach with numerous individuals, I’ve found that it requires an internal paradigm shift- a willingness to let go of entrenched ideas about “hemp”, cannabis reform, and what is necessary for full federal cannabis legalization. Fortunately, once understood, I’ve found that this new approach usually feels like “waking up” to a new and better reality about what the cannabis industry- both hemp and marijuana- can be. I hope that you will take the time (20 minutes) to listen to my talk with a willingness to explore a new pathway for cannabis. I have also included my notes/transcript below.
April 24, 2024

Rod Kight is an international cannabis lawyer. He represents businesses throughout the cannabis industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and is the editor of the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, which discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him by clicking here.
You are the GOAT, Rod! SO grateful for your leadership in these choppy waters! Please break down the Illinois vs Marijuana industry next! They play dirty…
Thank you, Rachel. Illinois is working hard to take down its hemp industry and prop up unfair cannabis laws. I appreciate your advocacy. -Rod