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Kight On Cannabis Blog

We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.

Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others.

The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice. 

Kight On Cannabis Blog

We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.

Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others in the cannabis, hemp, marijuana, and CBD industries.

The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice. We recommend that you consult with an attorney before taking any actions with respect to cannabis, including hemp, marijuana, and/or any of their cannabinoids. Marijuana is illegal under federal law and the laws of many states. Possessing, using, distributing, and/or selling marijuana are all federal crimes. Please also note that even though marijuana is illegal under federal law, participants in the marijuana industry are required to pay federal taxes. This is true even for state not-for-profit entities.

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The Kight on Cannabis Blog


Kight Law Included In US News and Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” 2020 List

November 4, 2019
Kight Law is proud to announce that it is included in the US News and Best Lawyers list of “Best Law Firms” of 2020.

Rod Speaks at Cannabis Business Insurance Conference in NYC

November 2, 2019
As the cannabis industry matures, insurance is becoming a major factor in its growth and normalization. In many respects, the development and availability of insurance products signals a new phase in the industry.

USDA Hemp Regulations Analysis- Interstate Transport of Hemp

November 1, 2019
As a cannabis attorney, one of the questions I am asked most frequently is whether hemp and hemp products can be transported across state lines.

USDA Hemp Interim Rule: Crisis or Opportunity?

October 30, 2019
In this article decided to take a philosophical approach and ask whether the USDA’s Interim Rule for hemp will initiate a crisis or create novel opportunities in the hemp industry.

USDA Hemp Regulations Analysis- The Provisions You Need To Know

October 29, 2019
The USDA Interim Rule regarding hemp is 161 pages long. This article discusses the Rule’s key provisions.

USDA Hemp Regulations Analysis- Licensing Requirements

October 29, 2019
Whether it is pursuant to a State or Indian Tribe plan or the USDA’s plan, there are certain requirements all hemp producers must meet.

USDA Draft Hemp Regulations Are Out

October 29, 2019
The USDA has created at least two provisions regarding testing that will have a dramatic effect on the industry.

Why I Am a Cannabis Lawyer

October 28, 2019
Cannabis helped me through chemotherapy and I resolved at that time to advocate professionally for its legalization. Although it took some time to make the shift in my law practice, the cannabis law seed took root as I recovered from cancer.

Mexico Is About to Legalize Cannabis- This Is the Legal Summary You Need

October 23, 2019
While it is important to embrace the social justice priority sought by the legislative and executive powers towards those people affected in different ways by the prohibition, it is also important to acknowledge the benefits that private companies and foreign investment can bring to the industry.

Why You Should Always Ship Hemp Through the USPS

October 16, 2019
I typically advise my clients to ship hemp products through the US Mail. Unlike private carriers, the US Postal Service (USPS) cannot open packages unless it has probable cause to do so. One of the unexpected effects of hemp legalization is that the mere smell of cannabis no longer constitutes probable cause to believe that the package contains illegal marijuana.

Thin Green Line: The Need for Uniform Testing in the Hemp Industry (Guest Post)

October 8, 2019
Failing to establish testing uniformity almost guarantees mayhem as buyers and growers attempt to create an interstate market for hemp because of the uncertainty a buyer in one state faces when attempting to import hemp from another state.

Kight Law Attorneys Speak at Legal Conference in New York

October 7, 2019
The International Cannabis Law Bar Association held a conference in NYC on a wide array of cannabis law topics by some of the most active cannabis law attorneys in the country, including Kight Law attorneys Rod Kight and Kamran Aryah.

Thought Leadership for the Hemp and Cannabis Industries

Who wouldn't want this?  Get to know Rod. Call Kight Law to discuss your cannabis business needs.