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Kight On Cannabis Blog

We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.

Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others.

The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice. 

Kight On Cannabis Blog

We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.

Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others in the cannabis, hemp, marijuana, and CBD industries.

The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice. We recommend that you consult with an attorney before taking any actions with respect to cannabis, including hemp, marijuana, and/or any of their cannabinoids. Marijuana is illegal under federal law and the laws of many states. Possessing, using, distributing, and/or selling marijuana are all federal crimes. Please also note that even though marijuana is illegal under federal law, participants in the marijuana industry are required to pay federal taxes. This is true even for state not-for-profit entities.

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The Kight on Cannabis Blog


Rod Discusses Hemp, the Future of Cannabis, and International Trade with Sean Hocking (Podcast)

January 29, 2024
I recently spoke with Sean Hocking, founder of Cannabis Law Report and the Karma Koala Podcast, about hemp, the future of cannabis, and international trade.

Rod Discusses Cannabis Policy with Lukas Gilkey of Hometown Hero (video podcast)

January 23, 2024
I recently sat down with my friend and client Lukas Gilkey, one of the founders of Hometown Hero, to discuss hemp policy and the the future of cannabis.

DEA Letter to Georgia Board of Pharmacy Raises Novel Legal Issues

January 20, 2024
The DEA recently issued a warning letter to the Georgia Board of Pharmacy (GBP). Given that Georgia is the only state that allows pharmacies to dispense medical marijuana, the DEA’s letter to the GBP is unprecedented. It also raises novel legal issues.

“Hemp Today” Stuck in the Past on Cannabinoid Hemp

January 9, 2024
This article addresses the misguided view that intoxicating hemp cannabinoids are not properly part of the “hemp” industry, which is itself an artificially created category of the cannabis plant.

DEA Confirms Legal Status of Magic Mushroom Spores

January 3, 2024
It has become a bit of a parlor game recently for lawyers to contact the DEA and request its position on the legal status of various compounds. Most recently, the DEA responded to a request for the control status of “magic mushroom spores” under the CSA.

THCa Flower- Minimizing Your Risk

December 30, 2023
Despite the rapidly growing acceptance of hemp as the path forward for cannabis policy, THCa hemp remains widely misunderstood. Possessing or distributing it are high-risk activities. In this article, I discuss the risks and strategies to reduce them.

Rod Discusses THCa Hemp Legal Issues with CBD Oracle

December 13, 2023
“The first thing I usually say is that distributing THCa hemp is the riskiest thing you can do in the legal cannabis industry right now. For this reason, I spend most of my consulting time with clients discussing best practices and ways to mitigate the risks associated with THCa hemp.”

ATACH Uses “Reefer Madness” Fear Mongering in Court Filing Against Hemp Industry

December 6, 2023
Corporate marijuana monopolists and their lobbying organizations, including ATACH, are desperately attempting to close off competition under the guise of protecting consumers. The real issue is not safety, but rather an attempt by a small group of corporate interests to control a valuable and emerging cannabis market that should belong to everyone.

Rod Discusses Cannabis Civil War in Natural Products Insider

November 28, 2023
The past year has seen intense lobbying efforts, social media campaigns and lawsuits in what is becoming known as the “Cannabis Civil War” between the hemp and marijuana industries. At stake is control over the rapidly expanding and lucrative market in cannabinoids and cannabis products.

Kight Law Announces New 50 State Hemp Product and THCa Spreadsheet

November 17, 2023
Keeping up with 50 different state laws and regulations can be a nightmare, which is why we completely revised and updated our 50 State Hemp Spreadsheet and 50 State THCa Spreadsheet and combined them into one new, easy-reference document.

Farm Bill Extension Means Hemp Will Grow Big(ger) in 2024

November 16, 2023
In addition to an additional window of time to continue its progress of bringing cannabis to people in the US, the extension will allow hemp companies to expand their sales and operations internationally.

New York Hemp Industry Scores Big Win in New York

November 9, 2023
In finding that the Hemp Parties met their burden for an injunction, the NY Supreme Court ruled that the CCB’s Emergency Justification fails to cite evidence or studies to substantiate that New Yorkers have either been misled or harmed by hemp infused products.

Thought Leadership for the Hemp and Cannabis Industries

Who wouldn't want this?  Get to know Rod. Call Kight Law to discuss your cannabis business needs.