Trademark registration is not simply a matter of racing to the USPTO to register a word or phrase that you wish to have exclusive rights to, even if you were the first to use the word or phrase.
Author: Rod Kight
Why the Popular Hemp Test Is the Wrong Hemp Test
Rod talks about the importance of using the proper analytical test for determining THC potency in hemp.
Managing Cash Flow In a Crisis- 10 Things To Do Right Now
I have observed that many people fail to “think properly” about how to handle financial downturns and find themselves thrashing in the dark, despite the fact that there are a number of simple and effective methods for managing cash flow that produce results.
Concerned About Coronavirus and Your Cannabis Business? We’d Like to Help.
As a service to our current clients and readers during these difficult times, we are offering a free 20-minute phone call to address your pressing issues – no strings attached.
THC Analogs- A Family Divided
In this article, I will provide a summary of THCA, delta-9 THC, delta-8 THC, THCP, THCV and then conclude with a discussion of the various laws that impact them.
Rod Discusses US and EU CBD Regulations at Europe Canna Expo-Dublin
For my talk, I compared and contrasted the hemp and CBD regulatory regimes in Europe and US. Although they parallel each other in some respects, particularly policy, they are fundamentally different in their approaches.
FDA Responds to Congress and Seeks Guidance About CBD
The FDA has yet to create a regulatory pathway for CBD. Does its most recent report to Congress herald a change?
The Cannabis Business Law Firm for You
Rod discusses the 2018 Farm Bill’s effect on hemp.
Wait, Is This Confidential?
Lawyers are bound by standards unique to any other profession. Absent a very select set of circumstances or exceptions, a lawyer may not reveal any information related to representing a client.