Kentucky had an opportunity to be a leader on delta-8 THC. Instead, and as with its prohibition on smokable hemp, Kentucky chose to stake out an official position that is not only wrongheaded from a policy standpoint but is also wrong in its legal analysis. How much longer can the Kentucky hemp industry bear the burden of these misguided official positions before succumbing to their weight?
Category: Legal Advocacy
Rod Discusses Total THC and Certificates of Analysis with RiskScout and Abundant Labs (Video)
Rod recently took part in a legal and scientific discussion of certificates of analysis and Total THC with Abundant Labs and RiskScout. Watch the video here.
Rod Discusses the Changing Regulatory Environment of Cannabis (Podcast)
In this podcast, hosted by John Bruford of CBD-Intel, Rod discusses cannabis regulation in the US, including the new Administration, the FDA, state laws, and related topics.
Total THC and Harvested Hemp
It is not unusual for a pre-harvested hemp crop with Total THC concentrations that are within 0.3% to result in harvested hemp with Total THC limits that exceed 0.3%. Is this harvested hemp legal?
Cannabis and Cars- Scientific and Legal Implications of Cannabis Use and Driving (Video)
In this video podcast, Rod discusses the intersection of law and science that arises from cannabis use and driving. Traditional DUI tests are primarily oriented towards detecting alcohol impairment. Do these tests work for cannabis impairment? If not, is it possible to create cannabis-specific testing protocols, and accompanying laws and regulations, that accurately measure impairment while not unjustly criminalizing unimpaired cannabis users?
In this video, Rod discusses delta-8 THC, CBD and cannabis in Europe and Mexico, the role of international treaties in cannabis reform, California’s Proposition 65, and the FDA’s position on CBD, among other cannabis issues.
New Law Restricts Online Sales of Hemp and CBD Vapes
Online sellers of hemp vapes and CBD vapes are implicated in a new federal law that places stringent requirements on retailers of vaping products.
The FTC and CBD: Is Your Hemp Business a Target?
The FTC recently issued fines and sanctions to six CBD product manufacturers who were accused of providing misleading information to consumers about the benefits of hemp extract and CBD.
Delta-8 THC and State Law
There are many challenges with advising clients or potential clients about ∆8, one of which is the fact that many states across the country regulate hemp, hemp-derived CBD, and ∆8 differently. As a result, there is no “one-size-fits all” answer to whether ∆8 products can be manufactured, distributed, or sold within a given state.