Workers’ compensation cases are likely to continue highlighting the tension between federal and state cannabis laws.
Category: Federal Commerce- USA
“Hot” Hemp Extract- New Lawsuit Underlines Need for Clarity
While the Farm Bill is unequivocal about expanding the category of legal hemp to include “extracts”, it does not specify an acceptable upper THC concentration limit, nor explicitly allow or disallow for remediation through removal and destruction of some, or all, of the THC they contain.
Medical Cannabis Clinical Evidence Is Becoming Immune To State Borders
A physician’s education about cannabis medicine, and her patient’s treatment options, should not depend on their state of residence. Patient access should be based on sound science and physicians should receive comprehensive and uniform education regardless of the state in which they practice.
Is CBN the Next Big Thing? A Legal Analysis.
My vote for “the next CBD” goes to cannabinol (CBN). This is based on its growing acclaim as a safe sleep aid with few, if any, side effects.
Rod Discusses USDA Hemp Regulation with New Frontier Data (Video)
I had a great time discussing the USDA’s hemp regulations with John Kagia and Jake Sitler on April 22, 2020. The webinar was hosted by New Frontier Data. You can watch it here.
Do Not Claim That Your CBD Helps With COVID-19
It is good to see the FDA taking quick and firm action against companies improperly marketing their CBD products as effective against COVID-19, a devastating pandemic with no contemporary precedent.
Any Port in a Storm- Federal Programs That Help Hemp and CBD Businesses
There are several options provided by the US federal government that hemp and CBD businesses can take advantage of during these turbulent times.
Hemp Trademarking- Why You Cannot Own a Varietal Name
Trademark registration is not simply a matter of racing to the USPTO to register a word or phrase that you wish to have exclusive rights to, even if you were the first to use the word or phrase.
Concerned About Coronavirus and Your Cannabis Business? We’d Like to Help.
As a service to our current clients and readers during these difficult times, we are offering a free 20-minute phone call to address your pressing issues – no strings attached.