I was recently asked by my friends at Darling Hemp to participate in a video they created to highlight some of the most important issues that the Rule raises.
Category: Kight On Cannabis
FDA Steps-Up CBD Enforcement With New Warning Letters
Considering the large and growing number of hemp and CBD companies doing business in the US right now, the companies that received warning letters might rightly consider themselves unlucky.
Will the DEA Allow More Marijuana Research?
Although the DEA announcement appears to be a step in the right direction, many in the cannabis industry contend that the announcement is a stalling tactic.
Does the USDA Rule Affect Hemp That Is Currently On the Market?
In this article I will discuss the Rule’s impact on hemp that was grown and harvested in 2019, much of which is currently on the market.
Kight Law Included In US News and Best Lawyers “Best Law Firms” 2020 List
Kight Law is proud to announce that it is included in the US News and Best Lawyers list of “Best Law Firms” of 2020.
USDA Hemp Regulations Analysis- Interstate Transport of Hemp
As a cannabis attorney, one of the questions I am asked most frequently is whether hemp and hemp products can be transported across state lines.
USDA Hemp Interim Rule: Crisis or Opportunity?
In this article decided to take a philosophical approach and ask whether the USDA’s Interim Rule for hemp will initiate a crisis or create novel opportunities in the hemp industry.
USDA Hemp Regulations Analysis- The Provisions You Need To Know
The USDA Interim Rule regarding hemp is 161 pages long. This article discusses the Rule’s key provisions.
USDA Draft Hemp Regulations Are Out
The USDA has created at least two provisions regarding testing that will have a dramatic effect on the industry.