Rod’s Keynote speech: Perils Facing the Hemp and Cannabinoid Industry [Video]

I was asked to give a keynote speech at the Delta-8 and CBD Expo in conjunction with the Physicians CBD Council in Charlotte, NC on June 23, 2022. In my speech I discussed several important and urgent issues, including the fact that while the hemp industry has effectively legalized cannabis and cannabinoids throughout the US it is in imminent peril given aggressive lobbying efforts by big corporate marijuana interests that want to takeover the cannabinoid industry to the exclusion of hemp; to be wary of industry associations that purport to advocate for hemp while actually promoting the interests of the big corporate MSOs; and how this is all currently playing out in real time in my home state of North Carolina, where all hemp laws are set to expire at midnight on June 30 while a terrible medical marijuana bill favored by large corporate marijuana interests appears to have good odds of passing. I also give recommendations on practical things that the hemp and cannabinoid industry can do to protect and promote itself.
A video of my keynote address and transcript are below. You can also watch and share the video on YouTube by clicking here. Thanks to Celeste Miranda, Luis Zamudio, Lee Elman, and the entire CBD Expo Team for asking me to speak and also for granting me permission to share this video.
Video time markers:
- The hemp industry has effectively legalized cannabis and all cannabinoids throughout the US- 6:20
- Federal law overview; all 3 branches of government confirm that delta 8 is lawful- 9:00
- Some industry associations are promoting big corporate marijuana, not hemp- 13:55
- Big corporate marijuana is losing money and wants novel cannabinoids for itself- 16:27
- A big corporate marijuana director is also President of a well known national hemp organization and some of its other officers also work for Big Marijuana- 17:20
- The major battles over cannabinoids are occurring at the state level and are being funded by big corporate marijuana interests- 20:18
- The urgent crisis situation for hemp in North Carolina- 22:26
- All hemp laws in NC are set to expire in one week- 23:19
- It is an “all hands on deck” moment for hemp in NC- 28:51
- Several practical considerations and recommendations for the hemp industry- 28:35
- Stop supporting and investing in Big Corporate Marijuana- 32:22
- Be aware of the associations and advisors you support and rely on- 33:26
- Conclusion- 35:10
- Questions and wrap up- 35:52
June 23, 2022

Rod Kight is an international hemp lawyer. He represents businesses throughout the hemp industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on hemp matters in the media, and is the editor of the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, which discusses legal issues affecting the hemp industry. You can contact him by clicking here.
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