Rod to Write Weekly Column for Cannabis Law Report

I’m pleased to announce that I’ll be writing a weekly column for the Cannabis Law Report (CLR), one of the premiere sources for legal news about the cannabis industry. CLR founders Sean Hocking and John Taylor have done an excellent job aggregating cannabis news from around the world and have cultivated a group of well-regarded contributors. I’m honored and excited to be part of the team.
My first article was published on Friday. It addressed a recent study, published in JAMA, which found that almost 70% of CBD products sold online contain either higher or lower concentrations of CBD than indicated on the label. Although the study was flawed, this is an issue that the industry needs to take seriously. You can read my take here.
I’ll be writing short, weekly news pieces with analysis. If there is an issue or story that you’d like me to cover please reach out directly: [email protected].
Rod Kight is a lawyer based in Asheville, NC. He is licensed in North Carolina and Oregon and represents legal cannabis businesses. You can contact him by clicking here.
Posted 11-15-17.
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