Kight On Cannabis Blog
We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.
Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others.
The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice.
Kight On Cannabis Blog
We hope you find this blog to be both informative and engaging. Since its creation several years ago by Rod Kight, the blog has addressed a wide number of legal issues impacting the cannabis industry.
Rod Kight is an award winning lawyer, advocate, and author focusing his efforts on supporting farmers, manufacturers, labs, distributors, brands, retailers, and others in the cannabis, hemp, marijuana, and CBD industries.
The Kight on Cannabis Blog Disclaimer
This blog is for informational purposes only. It is not intended to give you any legal advice. We recommend that you consult with an attorney before taking any actions with respect to cannabis, including hemp, marijuana, and/or any of their cannabinoids. Marijuana is illegal under federal law and the laws of many states. Possessing, using, distributing, and/or selling marijuana are all federal crimes. Please also note that even though marijuana is illegal under federal law, participants in the marijuana industry are required to pay federal taxes. This is true even for state not-for-profit entities.
The Kight on Cannabis Blog
USDA Expands Insurance Options for Hemp Growers
Rod Kight Selected for 2020 SuperLawyers in Cannabis Law
Defining Cannabis’ Legal Industry
NC Hemp Letter Underlines National Uncertainty for Hemp Producers
CBD School Podcast – #112: Is CBD Legal in 2020? w/ Cannabis Lawyer Rod Kight
Paving the Way for Legal Hemp & CBD
Kindred Spirit to Hemp & Marijuana Farmers
What is the New CBD Bill? A Quick Summary.
CBD and the FDA- What Should the Hemp Industry Expect?
CBD University Podcast Episode 10 – Introducing the American Journal of Endocannabinoid Medicine
Why Are States Restricting Job Opportunities for Medical Marijuana Patients?
Top 5 Cannabis Predictions for 2020
Thought Leadership for the Hemp and Cannabis Industries
Who wouldn't want this? Get to know Rod. Call Kight Law to discuss your cannabis business needs.