Category: In the Media

Rod’s Keynote speech: Perils Facing the Hemp and Cannabinoid Industry [Video]

In this keynote speech Rod addresses perils facing the hemp industry, including the threat posed by Big Marijuana, cannabis associations that purport to advocate for hemp while promoting corporate marijuana interests, and the current crisis for hemp in NC. Rod also discusses important federal law issues and practical recommendations for the hemp industry.

Hemp Leaders Comment on the “Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act”

A group of leading hemp organizations, companies, and advocates sent a letter to Senators Schumer, Booker, and Wyden today requesting important changes to provisions of the “Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act” (CAOA) regarding hemp and cannabidiol (CBD). You can read their letter in this blog post.

Rod Discusses Delta 8 THC and International Cannabis Markets with Vapor Voice

“When Vapor Voice published an article on Delta-8 THC and other minor THC products in its last issue it seems readers had more questions concerning newly marketed cannabinoids than the story answered. To gain more insight into the state of the current overall global cannabis market, we went to one of the best resources in the business.”