Open Letter Regarding the US Hemp Authority Certification Program

I was asked to prepare an open letter to the hemp and CBD industry regarding concerns with the proposed US Hemp Authority Certification Program as developed and championed by the Hemp Roundtable and supported by the Hemp Industries Association. The letter is below. If you share the concerns expressed in the letter I encourage you to reach out directly to the US Hemp Roundtable ([email protected]) The Hemp Industries Association has asked that all emails be sent to David Bossman ([email protected]).
February 17, 2019
Rod Kight is an attorney who represents lawful cannabis businesses. He speaks at cannabis conferences across the country, drafts and presents cannabis legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and maintains the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, where he discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him here.
Well written.
Fully in support of your letter.
Thank you, Russell. Spread the word.
Thank you, Russell.
Perfectly stated. Sums up the thoughts of many.
Kim DeLaney-Surratt
My Green House
Carolinas Cannabis Convention
Thank you, Kim.
Fully support. this has been a concern by many for some time now. You can add OnePlant #OnePlant to the list of supporters.
Thanks you, James. I recommend contacting the HIA and Roundtable with your concerns. -Rod
Yes well written. As a SMALL Family entity specializing in non GMO, Organic growing methods (hopefully to soon be certified for many), and breeders of quality Hemp Seed and Hemp for the USA, we must all stick together. The LARGE Companies and Venture Capitalists must not put the SMALL Producers and farms out of Business.
We must stick together and be heard.
Thank you
Wah Farms/C Wickman
What is the best way to add our name to this letter? Or help out with the cause if we share the same stance?
Dr. Ferrari- Thank you. I recommend contacting the HIA and Roundtable directly at this juncture. -Rod
Thank you Rod! Will spread the word.
Thanks, Beth.
this group that signed this i imagine have not paid up for the lobbying effort on the federal or state level much. they want someone else to pay for the lobbying and then that someone else creates a sro and they scream and yell and kick. lol what a joke. pay to play means pay for the lobbying and reap the rewards. an sro is fairly standard and the people that paid for the lobbying wrote the sro. if you dont like the sro make your own? oh wait that would require money and i can imagine this group wont pay up and will just complain.
Chase- Thank you for reading and commenting. As you might imagine, I take a different view. The signors of the open letter include some of the most respected and involved members of the hemp industry. Some are genuine pioneers who have been involved in lobbying and other hemp-focused efforts for many years. Also, according to your logic, the group that amasses the most money can (and perhaps should) lobby to have the rules favor them. While this certainly happens as a practical matter, it is not usually the best way to ensure that all participants in an industry get a fair shake. I’m sure that the pharma industry has more collective money for lobbying than the entire hemp industry combined, yet I doubt that many people would think it fair for the pharma industry to control hemp simply because it has the lobbying dollars to do so. -Rod
Excellent letter and excellent information. Thank you to all involved for taking the time to provide this level of transparency.
Excellent letter and excellent information. Thank you to all involved for taking the time to provide this level of transparency!
Thank you, Spencer.