Rod Discusses Rescheduling and MSOs v Hemp on the Texas Hemp Show [Video Podcast]

I always enjoy discussing cannabis with Russell Dowden and Rachel Nelson of the Texas Hemp Show. They are educated and entertaining. I joined them, along with Jay Maguire and AJ Velador, to discuss rescheduling and the “war” being levied against hemp by the corporate marijuana conglomerates. You can watch it below or here.
Here’s a teaser from our discussion of rescheduling: “This will be a long, arduous process. Fortunately, we have hemp. Cannabis is legal. It has been descheduled completely, even delta-9 THC in concentrations up to 0.3%. So, we absolutely need to deschedule cannabis in all of its , shapes, and forms, but hemp is paving the better and faster path to that reality.“
September 3, 2024

Rod Kight is an international cannabis lawyer. He represents businesses throughout the cannabis industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and is the editor of the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, which discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him by clicking here.
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