Rod discusses welfare drug tests on WLOS

Rod Kight was asked to speak with Frank Kracher of WLOS, an ABC affiliate based in Asheville, NC, about drug testing welfare recipients. A new report indicates that only 0.3% of NC welfare recipients tested positive for illegal drug use, a whopping difference from the 9.4% of the general population who use illegal drugs. The NC stats are consistent with the results in other states that have enacted similar welfare drug testing laws. Aside from obvious Constitutional problems (similar laws have been struck down by Federal Courts as unconstitutional), the welfare drug testing laws perpetuate an unfounded stereotype of people who struggle financially, namely, that they’re rabid drug users. If anything, the statistics show the opposite. Welfare recipients are significantly less likely than the population at large to use illegal drugs. Of course, cannabis use shouldn’t be illegal at all, but that’s a whole different blog.
Watch the news story by clicking HERE.
Rod Kight is a lawyer based in Asheville, NC. He is licensed in North Carolina and Oregon and represents legal cannabis businesses. You can contact him by clicking here.
Congratulations Rod. I’m glad to see WLOS seeking expert commentary on this issue.