Rod Speaks at Industrial Hemp Summit

The 2020 Industrial Hemp Summit (IHS) in Danville, VA was an enormous success. The organizers, Blake Butler, Marty Clemons, and Mark Gignac, hosted a sold-out conference that included industry leaders, cutting edge topics, engaging commentary, and A-level networking.
One of the highlights was a keynote and Q&A session with Bill Richmond, Chief, USDA Domestic Hemp Production Program. I asked Mr. Richmond about the USDA’s position on the transport of processed, hemp extracts with THC levels in excess of 0.3%, a major issue for most processors in the country. He replied that the USDA regulates production and does not regulate or have a position on this issue. Richmond punted to the FDA, which has issued no policies or statements whatsoever on this issue.
I enjoyed speaking on the “Regulatory Lab” panel with Marty Clemons (IHS founder), Tyler Russell (attorney), and David Suchoff (professor), which addressed important topics, such as: What is the impact of the U.S.D.A. interim rules on the industry? What is the state of the ban on “smokeable hemp”? What types of contracts are necessary in the industry?
In addition to these planned topics, we discussed transport of hemp extract with THC levels in excess of 0.3% and the fact that “total THC” pre-harvest testing under the USDA interim final rule will not solve interstate transport and hemp seizure issues. I raised the issue that the hemp industry appears to be in a “shakeout stage” of its life cycle, something that should guide companies in strategic planning.
Here are some photos:

Rod Speaks at Industrial Hemp Summit video:
February 28, 2020
Rod Kight is an international cannabis and hemp attorney. He speaks at cannabis conferences across the country, drafts and presents cannabis legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and maintains the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, where he discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him here.
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