Will you vote for cannabis reform this November?

Weed on the ballot this election year. Here’s a rundown of the states who will have cannabis reform measures on the ballots for those lucky ones who can exercise their constitutional right to vote for it. Many thanks to my college legal intern, Skye Robertson, for this post.
Changes to Cannabis Law in the Upcoming Election
In November of this year, all 318 million Americans will have the opportunity to vote in the Presidential election. Despite how this election has turned into more of a popularity contest than a political debate, there are still many important changes that are on the table during this election. Eight US States will most likely have Marijuana Reform on the ballot, looking to make a decision on medical or recreational cannabis use. Each state has different legislation on their individual ballots, each looking to legalize marijuana in their own way. Here’s how each state is looking to allow cannabis to their residents:
In California, adults 21 and older would be able to posses one ounce of marijuana or 4 grams of cannabis concentrate. This would be legalized under the Adult Use of Marijuana Act, and would be regulated under their recreational marijuana industry.
Maine’s proposed law would allow adults 21 and older to posses two and a half ounces of marijuana, and take part in the cultivation and transportation of certain quantities of marijuana plants. This would also be under a recreational industry like California.
Similar to California, Nevada is looking to legalize the keeping of one ounce of marijuana for those 21 and older. It would also allow individuals without nearby access to a store to do their own cultivation.
Arizona’s Legalization and Regulation of Marijuana Act would allow adults 21 or older to hold one ounce of marijuana on their person (starting to see a pattern here?). This would also be a recreational industry, and would allow up to 6 plants in an individuals home for cultivation.
Massachusetts’s proposal on the ballot almost mimics Arizona’s to a t, but it is being labeled as the initiative to regulate Marijuana in the same manner that the US regulates alcohol. This recreational regulation would also allow adults 21 and up to hold up to 10 ounces of marijuana within their home, but only 1 ounce outside their residence.
The state of Florida is on its second go trying to legalize medical marijuana. It is looking to legalize the use of marijuana under the approval of a doctor that names the patient debilitated by a medical condition. This would put the regulation under the states Department of Health, and would not allow for recreational use. This law was significantly close to being passed during the last election, so there are great hopes that it will be passed this year.
The states of Missouri and Michigan are both looking to legalize medical marijuana, but do not have full approval to have a law on the ballot. For these proposals to be placed on the ballot, each campaign must turn in a certain number of signatures from registered voters to prove its significance to the public. Each state has turned in a large amount of signatures, but has yet to be approved by their governments. Because of their impending approval, the only information released on their proposal is that of the use of medical marijuana.
Other states are still valiantly trying to gather signatures to get their proposals on the ballot, but these 8 states are the most likely to see an official reform act up for election this fall.
If you have any questions about hemp law or cannabis business law, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Rod Kight is a lawyer based in Asheville, NC. He is licensed in North Carolina and Oregon and represents legal cannabis businesses. You can contact him by clicking here.
Posted August 1, 2016.
dea to make long-awaited Cannabis announcement Thursday (Tomorrow). we Shall See
SHOULD have known, corruption runs deep. They’re still insulting our intelligence