“MINI BITE” #4: Should hemp businesses be afraid of federal legislation? (AUDIO PODCAST)

I recently spent 5 minutes responding to the question, “Should hemp businesses be afraid of federal legislation?” on episode #4 of five “mini bites” for the Karma Koala podcast with Sean Hocking, publisher of the internationally renowned Cannabis Law Report. Click below to listen.
July 18, 2024

Rod Kight is an international cannabis lawyer. He represents businesses throughout the cannabis industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and is the editor of the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, which discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him by clicking here.
Should hemp businesses be afraid of federal legislation? No, but they should fight to help hemp find its rightful place among the cannabinoid family.
When they rolled out federal legislation in 2018, the lawmakers failed. They were ignorant and naïve to think Americans wood grow hemp for fiber and seeds. Farmers grow for fiber and seed Americans grow weed Hemp and weed, of course now the same thing in eyes of our lawmakers. Businesses don’t need to be afraid they need to get the message across about what hemp is and what hemp is good for and what hemp can do to help with not only the basic medicinal aspects but the American economy. Our economy needs all the help it can get. if hemp is to play a role in the economy, the important aspects of the new rules should be clearly defined and compared to recreational or medical marijuana for the purpose of educating our society to both industries and let them vote to implement real and meaningful law and regulation to the hemp industry so the relief is available and legal.
Nothing in our nations legislative issues are simple to repair when our laws are flawed. The numerous committees and the ridiculous amendments that come from some of these committees, and of course, along with great amendments that actually apply to the flaws, are slowly learning to recognize they are not thinking for themselves or their family, they are working to write legislation that addresses the meaningful implementation of common sense structure so we can move on to other important issues