Rod Discusses D8, Federal Legalization, and the Future of CBD on the C3 Podcast (Video)

I had a great conversation on Friday with Curt Robbins and his co-host, Dena Putnam, for the C3 Higher Learning LV podcast. We discussed delta-8 THC, federal legalization, and the future of CBD. You can view the podcast below or by clicking here. Additionally, Curt did a written interview with me before the podcast, which is transcribed below the video.
Rod Discusses D8, Federal Legalization, and the Future of CBD on the C3 Podcast video:
Here is the transcript of our initial written interview:
Curt Robbins: “Hi Rod. Welcome to the C3 podcast. Please tell our readers about your background in legal hemp and the role you currently play in the industry.”
Rod Kight: “I am an attorney who has been representing individuals in the hemp industry since 2015. (Congress legalized ‘industrial hemp’ in the 2014 Farm Bill.) I write a lot about hemp and cannabis, mostly on my blog. I started writing about CBD in 2015 and came up with the ‘Source Rule‘ regarding cannabinoids. It essentially asserts that the source of a cannabinoid determines its legal status.
“For instance, CBD from marijuana is a controlled substance since the legal definition of ‘marijuana’ includes all parts of the plant. (Technically, chlorophyll from a marijuana plant is a schedule I controlled substance.) However, CBD from hemp is not a controlled substance since the legal definition of ‘hemp’ includes all parts of the plant. In fact, since CBD has not been scheduled under US federal law, it is not a controlled substance except when it is from marijuana.
“This is all fairly non-controversial now (except for delta-8 THC; see below). However, back in 2015 and 2016, it was groundbreaking. Over the past several years, my primary role as a hemp lawyer has been to help my clients navigate the ever-evolving—and often ‘grey’ and occasionally conflicting—laws and regulations regarding hemp and its cannabinoids.”
CR: “Much talk—and perhaps even more commerce—has transpired around delta-8 THC, the new kid on the block in terms of cannabinoid-based cannabis commerce. What is the legal status of this controversial phytocannabinoid?”
RK: “Well, the truth is, no one knows the legal status of delta-8 (D8) right now—at least at the federal level and under the laws of most states. I mean that in a literal sense. Plenty of people and government agencies have opined on D8’s legal status, but the law has never been clarified by Congress, most state legislatures, or any courts.
“I strongly contend that D8 from hemp is not a controlled substance under federal law for the reasons set forth in the legal position statement that I wrote for the Hemp Industries Association. As for state law, things break down, broadly, into three categories:
“(1) States that have enacted laws or specific regulations regarding D8. In these states, we can safely know whether D8 is lawful or not.
“(2) States in which an agency (usually the department of agriculture or attorney general) have issued legal opinions on D8 and/or address D8 in an FAQ section on their webpages. This usually muddies the water since a lot of the opinions are poorly written, do not adhere to the state’s statutes, and are not enforceable as a matter of law. Additionally, what weight should be given to an agency’s legal opinion on a matter that the agency is not charged with regulating? For instance, if a state’s department of agriculture opines that D8 is an illegal controlled substance under state law, does that carry any weight since departments of agriculture generally do not enforce or otherwise regulate controlled substances?
“(3) States that have not addressed D8 at all. This is the situation for most states. In these jurisdictions, we look to see how ‘hemp’ is legally defined under state law and what types of hemp products are allowed in the state. In states with hemp laws that mirror the 2018 Farm Bill and that do not prohibit most hemp products, we usually contend that D8 is lawful for the same reasons that we contend it is lawful under federal law (see HIA position statement link above).
“Finally, determining whether D8 is ‘legal’ requires us to consider more than just whether it is a controlled substance. What does the Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act say about it? This will depend, to a large degree, on how it is marketed. Is it a gummy, a vape, or a cosmetic product? This is obviously a very complicated subject.”
CR: “Many media outlets and thought leaders are predicting federal legalization of adult-use cannabis in the United States in the near future. What is your opinion?”
RK: “I think marijuana will be removed from the federal controlled substances act within Biden’s current term. Most likely, cannabis will primarily be regulated by the individual states, much like alcohol is now.”
CR: “Our audience is business professionals and enterprise organizations in the cannabis and hemp industries. Where should these organizations and executives focus their resources in the next one to three years to best ensure sustainable success?”
RK: “Cannabis medicine is at the proverbial ‘beginning of the beginning’ and we will see lots of patents and cannabinoid medications over the next 10 to 20 years. Additionally, we will likely see precision fermented cannabinoids (i.e., synthetically derived cannabinoids) control large sectors of the market. International cannabis markets will continue to open.”
CR: “What can small to medium sized cannabis and hemp businesses do now to help fortify themselves for the competitive onslaught that will occur when U.S. federal legalization of adult-use cannabis occurs?”
RK: “This is a great question and one that I am constantly talking about with clients. It will not be long before the large, multinational public companies will enter the cannabis market. They will mostly start with CBD and move from there.
“Current participants in the cannabis and hemp markets must either (a) position themselves to be desirable acquisition targets for the multinationals or (b) carve out a very specific niche that will survive the ‘Wal-Martization’ of cannabis and hemp.
“Most closely held businesses (which describes 90+% of the current hemp and cannabis industries) cannot compete with the multinationals. So, if they are not good acquisition targets or have a niche that the multinationals cannot (or will not) fill…they will be out of business.”
September 27, 2021

Rod Kight is an international cannabis lawyer. He represents businesses throughout the cannabis industry. Additionally, Rod speaks at cannabis conferences, drafts and presents legislation to foreign governments, is regularly quoted on cannabis matters in the media, and is the editor of the Kight on Cannabis legal blog, which discusses legal issues affecting the cannabis industry. You can contact him by clicking here.
You really hit the head on the nail with this podcast. I have owned smoke shops for couple decades now and Delta 8 is beyond popular by work of mouth only. That is because it works. Yes, many people are choosing it over delta 9 THC. We have gotten to a point in society where it is more, more, more when it come to delta 9. Not everyone likes that. But delta 8 has become a huge player for medical reasons so many people did not expect.
We have customers using it for very valid medical reasons and they say delta 8 from hemp has helped better than any of their pharmaceutical meds. Big pharmaceutical companies are in an uproar at losing profits. Big weed companies have shamefully pulled the strings behind the legal states to outright ban it. I really was shocked to see such a blatant move by those states. What happened to even trying to appear like a good company that cares about customers? They don’t give a crap that people are finding real relief for a first time for many people from delta 8. It is honestly just shocking.
I really hope Americans stand up and demand the ability to continue to buy delta 8. It would be a disgrace to allow a few big companies to control whether or not people have access to a plant based product that is helping millions of people at this point. No one should have that much power over so many peoples lives because of their own greed. Greed is really what is at stake here. Big pharmaceutical companies greed to keep you addicted to their medications with so many side effects and such high costs. Big green companies greed to control the market and only allow much more intoxicating and highly expensive marijuana.
In all honesty, I feel like the monopoly rule should almost apply so that these states could not ban delta 8. They are allowing a monopoly by only allowing few companies to profit. I know that may be a stretch of the exact monopoly rule. But it sure fits.
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